There is a lot of cards in the format that really hate on creature decks and that can be a pain to play against if your only wincon is creatures. But nothing is probably as annoying to play against, as a deck that fog EVERY SINGLE TURN. And that is of course, exactly what this decks wants to do.
Read MoreKarma Tomb
Karma Tomb is certainly a deck that will give you bad karma. The main plan of the deck is to use Cyclopean Tomb to disrupt your opponent's mana by turning his or her lands into swamps. And if that's not enough it also uses Karma to slowly kill them in their upkeep.
Read MoreWhite Zoo
Deck by Marc Lanigra
At first this was not its own archetype, but instead bunched together with Lestree Zoo as just zoo. But we decided to split zoo into two different archetypes as they play out quite differently. The white zoo deck is a little more controlling than the more classic Lestree Zoo which focuses all its energy on killing your opponent as fast as possible. The deck is focused in white and green but often splash blue for power, Serendib Efreet and Psionic Blast. It can also play red but then it’s more often built like a Lestree Zoo.
The thing that makes it a zoo deck is that this deck also is built around a bunch of aggressive mana efficient creatures. White gives this deck access to Savannah Lions which means that you can play eight two power 1-drops together with Kird Ape or that you at least have a powerful 1-drop if you want to cut red completely. Other creatures you can use in the more aggressive builds are Argothian Pixies, Elvish Archer and Serendib Efreet but it’s also possible to add some more expensive creatures like Erhnam Djinn and even one or two Serra angel.
The thing that sets this deck apart from Lestree Zoo and Arabian Aggro is the use of white’s efficient removal in the form of Disenchant and Swords to Plowshares. These cards allow the deck to answer most of what the opponent does at the same time as you’re are hitting him or her with your creatures. But as these cards often take the space otherwise occupied by burn and because of the life Swords to Plowshares gives your opponent the deck become a lot less aggressive even if its still considered an aggro deck.
Fork Combo
When Fork was unrestricted in 2016 people started brewing on many different Fork decks. The most successful use of Fork seemed to be in big red decks like CandleFlare. But the deck that got Fork restricted in the first place in 1995 was this Fork Recursion Combo by Mark Chalice.
Read MoreWhite Weenie
Deck by Mg
As the name suggests, this is a mono white deck that plays a lot of small creatures. The creatures of choice are often among others White Knight, Savannah Lions and Tundra Wolves. Other cards that usually see play are Swords to Plowshares, Disenchant and of course Crusade. Sometimes you also find power houses like Armageddon and Serra Angel in the deck.
And then we have the sideboard which can be filled with a plethora of great answers to a lot of different strategies. It has Circle of Protections against burn and mono colored decks, City in a Bottle and King Suleiman against some of the most powerful creatures in the format and last but not least it has Divine Offering and Dust to Dust to combat artifact heavy decks.
Deck by Mg
"In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes."
Classic words that fits this deck perfectly! First you tax your opponent with Land Tax and then you make his or her death swift with the help of Land's Edge. Or to put it in Magic terms, you keep your land count lower than the opponents so that you can activate Land Tax over and over again to fill your hand with lands. Then you use Land's Edge to throw those lands at your opponent face. This is the foundation of the deck but the other part you can build in two different ways.
One way to go is to play cards like Swords to Plowshares, Disenchants and Ivory Tower to keep you alive until you can kill your opponent with the combo. The other way to build the deck as an aggro deck with a bunch of small creatures and Lightning Bolts and use the combo as the finisher.
Another card that can be played is Winds of Change, as it lets you exchange the lands in your hand to actual cards.
Leprechaun Ward
Deck by Henrik Berntsson
Leprechaun Ward may be the strangest deck in 93/94, but it's probably also one of the most fun decks. Especially if you like playing cards that no one else are playing. So let's dive into what the deck is all about; the foundation of the deck is to play a lot of green and white cards that synergizes in different strange ways. One of the more important cards is Circle of Protection: Green, and yes you heard right, green(!). The plan is to cast the COP: Green and then protect yourself from the opponent by making all his stuff green with the cards Lifelace and Aisling Leprechaun.
You can also use the card Green Ward to give the Leprechaun protection from green so that it will never die in combat and just continue to make all of you opponents creatures green. This should make you able to repel the opponent’s creatures quite well but of course you also need to win. One way is to use Force of Nature, as it only has a upkeep cost of 1 if you have a COP: Green on the table. And who knows, maybe you Leprechaun have turned all of your opponent's creatures green, then you can just put a Green Ward on your Force of Nature to make it "unblockable". How does that sound?
Deck by Pefken
Parfait is an old Vintage archetype which started as a mono white tap out control deck with prison elements. The 93/94 Parfait deck is also often based in white but the main part of the deck is the artifact package. There are four central artifact pieces of the deck and those are Howling Mine, Winter Orb, Relic Barrier and Icy Manipulator.
These cards synergize heavily with each other and make up both the decks card engine and lockdown engine. The plan is to use Icy Manipulator and Relic Barrier to tap down the Howling Mine and Winter Orb so that only you get to draw cards and untap all of your lands.
Aside from these artifacts, the deck uses white for cards like Disenchant and Swords to Plowshares to be able to survive until it can set up a lock, and it can also use blue for counterspells. With blue the deck also get access to Transmute Artifact and of course, power.
Last but not least, don't forget to put in a wincon or two.
The Deck
Deck by Martin Berlin
This is THE control deck of the format. It's been around since the beginning of the game and was the best deck for many many years. The core of The Deck is blue and white but it splashes the other three colors to get access to all of the formats most powerful and restricted cards. It then combines those powerful cards with the formats most efficient answers in the form of Counterspell, Disenchant and Swords to Plowshares.
Another very important card is Jayemdae Tome which lets The Deck draw the answers it needs to survive. As wincons the deck usually use cards like Mishra's Factory, Serra Angel, The Hive or something similar.
The Beast
The Beast is a control deck that also harness the power of the Guardian Beast+Chaos Orb combo.
Read MoreUW Skies
Deck by Seb Celia
At first glance UW Skies looks a lot like The Deck but there is one big difference and that is that UW Skies usually plays up to four Serra Angel and four Serendib Efreet. What to cut for those eight cards is of course the hard part and the easiest solution is to skip splashing for all the restricted cards. It's also not unusual to cut a couple of books and other slower control cards.
Apart from that change UW Skies plays the same control package as The Deck, which means playsets of Counterspell, Swords to Plowshares and Disenchant. Because of that, UW Skies is quite the formidable control deck but as it also plays a bunch of big monsters it can quickly change pace and go on the offensive quite well.
Deadguy Ale
Deck by Andreas Rosén
Deadguy Ale is probably the most famous midrange deck in the format and also one of the most resilient. The power of the deck comes from combining great and diverse threats with a plethora of removal for whatever the opponent does. The aggressive part of the deck consists of threats like Juzam Djinn, Hypnotic Specter and Underworld Dreams, often combines with Dark Ritual to deploy them as fast as possible.
The threats are backed up by some of the most efficient removal in the format in the form of Disenchant and Swords to Plowshares. It's also not unusual for the deck to play Sinkholes to attack the opponent on one more angle and sometimes you can see lists splashing red which gives it access to Lightning Bolt for more removal and Red Elemental Blast for better game against blue decks.
Deck by Danhor
Erhnamgeddon has been around since back in the days and the game plan goes something like this: start by developing your mana base with Fellwar Stones, Moxen and Birds of Paradise, play a big creature like Erhnam Djinn or Serra Angel and then blow up the world! Or more correctly blow up all the lands with an Armageddon so the opponent will have a hard time answering your threat.
Meanwhile the Moxen, Fellwar Stones and Birds of Paradise keeps you able to continue playing the game even after the Armageddon. You can also add blue for power and some control elements, then the deck sometimes is called Bantamgeddon.