There is a lot of cards in the format that really hate on creature decks and that can be a pain to play against if your only wincon is creatures. But nothing is probably as annoying to play against, as a deck that fog EVERY SINGLE TURN. And that is of course, exactly what this decks wants to do.
Read MoreLand Equilibrium
This deck is all about making life miserable for your opponent by taking away all his or her lands, because who needs lands anyway? That is of course something many decks focus on, but this deck does it without a single Stone Rain, Sinkhole or Ice Storm.
Read MoreLiving Plane Combo
Deck by Steve Rich
This deck is all about mana screwing you opponent completely without even playing a land destruction spell. Instead the game plan revolves around resolving a Living Plane to make all lands creatures. With Living Plane on the table you then start to pick off your opponent’s lands, which are now 1/1 creatures, by pinging them to death with a bunch of different cards. One of the most used ways to kill the lands is Tim, or as he’s actually called Prodigal Sorcerer. Other good cards are Fireball, Pyrotechnics, Rod of Ruin and if you want to be extra evil, Earthquake.
If you go for Earthquake you should build you deck to be able to operate without lands, that means mana dorks, Fellwar Stone and more. However, remember that the opponent also could use cards like that so it’s good to also pack some artifact destruction spells in your deck. Crumble is probably the top choice here as it’s in the main color and because the life doesn’t matter much if the opponent won’t play another spell for the rest of the game.
If you are a little slow to lock down the opponent it’s good to have some removal in the deck. If you play a red version, you can use the same cards that later will kill lands as removal in the early game. You should also think about how you will protect your Living Plane as most cards in your deck will need it to stay around. Either you play blue for counterspells or you could use green’s own counterspell, Avoid Fate.
Some other interesting cards are Drop of Honey and Sandstorm. Both are quite good at handling your opponent’s lands even if Sandstorm is more of a corner case card. And if you can afford it, The Tabernacle of Pendrell Vale is a fun addition. Last but not least Pendelhaven could also be a really good inclusion as it makes your lands bigger than your opponent’s and Instill Energy can make Tim ping twice.
And one more thing, remember that with Living Plane on the battlefield, lands have summoning sickness. So if the opponent doesn't have white mana for his Disenchant he can't just play a Plains and kill your Living Plane. You will have a turn to take care of the pesky land.
Deck by Pefken
Parfait is an old Vintage archetype which started as a mono white tap out control deck with prison elements. The 93/94 Parfait deck is also often based in white but the main part of the deck is the artifact package. There are four central artifact pieces of the deck and those are Howling Mine, Winter Orb, Relic Barrier and Icy Manipulator.
These cards synergize heavily with each other and make up both the decks card engine and lockdown engine. The plan is to use Icy Manipulator and Relic Barrier to tap down the Howling Mine and Winter Orb so that only you get to draw cards and untap all of your lands.
Aside from these artifacts, the deck uses white for cards like Disenchant and Swords to Plowshares to be able to survive until it can set up a lock, and it can also use blue for counterspells. With blue the deck also get access to Transmute Artifact and of course, power.
Last but not least, don't forget to put in a wincon or two.
The Void
Deck by "oldschool"
This deck revolves around the card Nether Void and as with many other decks on this site The Void can be built in many different ways. Nether Void itself is a extremely powerful enchantment from Legends that makes everyone pay an extra three generic mana for all of his or her spells. This usually stops the opponent from playing spells and if you don't play spells you usually lose.
Of course the enchantment also affects you but as you know it's coming you can build your deck around it. One way is to combine Nether Void with a lot of land destruction, making the deck play a lot like Ponza but later locking the opponent out of the game completely by dropping a Nether Void.
Another way to build it is with cards like Dark Ritual and Mana Vault to power out the Nether Void even before the Opponent has three mana. Mana Vault is also quite good after the Nether Void has hit the table as you can untap it every other turn and cast expensive spells the other turns.
You can also choose to not play that many expensive spells so you can function even with the Nether Void in play. As with most prison style decks the deck run few wincons and one of the best is of course Mishra’s Factory as it doesn't cost any mana.
Deck by Henrik Jerberg
Few deck archetypes are so frowned upon as Stasis. But it's also loved by many players who essentially don't want their opponents to be able the play the game. Or in other words, they want to have ALL the fun themselves. The decks game plan is to use the namesake card Stasis to lock down the game until you can win.
How you win is probably the least important part of the deck and the wincon can be anything from a Feldon's Cane, which let you deck your opponent, to a Serra Angel that can attack without worrying about not untapping.
The most important part in the deck is how you turn Stasis is an asymmetrical effect. The most common way for this is to bounce Stasis at the end of your opponents turn with Boomerang or Time Elemental and then replay it on your turn. Another way is to use Reset to untap your lands and last but not least you can also play a Birds of Paradise and enchant it with Instill Energy.
Other cards that you usually find in a Stasis deck is removal and counterspells so that you can answer everything that slips through your Stasis lock. You can also use Howling Mines to deck the opponent even faster and Kismet to make his land drops obsolete.
Field of Dreams
Deck by Gordon Andersson
Ever heard of the Modern deck Lantern Control? This is the old school equivalent. The deck's signature card is Field of Dreams, a card which makes both players play with the top card of their library revealed.
With Field of Dreams in play the fun start as the deck then can use Millstone to control what the opponent will draw by milling him or her when there is a dangerous card on top. It can also be used to keep the opponent from ever drawing mana sources, which is even more fun (at least for the player who plays this deck).
Two other cards that the deck usually uses as card drawing engines are Sylvan Library and Sindbad. With Field of Dreams in play you will always know if Sindbad will work and Sylvan Library works well with Millstone as it lets you choose the best card out of three each turn. Also, Sylvan Library and Sindbad combos great with each other as you are able to put a land on top with the library and then draw it with Sindbad.
The deck's name comes from that the only way to win a timed round is to get the opponent to concede.