Here you find all the decks from the Premodern European Championship 2022. For top16 decklists check out Tcdecks.
First we have the top 8 in order:

Winner - Marc Eric Vogt - Dark Parfait

2nd - Pablo Suarez Fernandez - Techno SurviElves

3rd - Martin lindström - Elves
4th - Carsten Linden - Survival Elves
Top 8 - Mikael Lindén - UB Dreadnought

Top 8 - Johannes Kämmler - 5c Terrageddon

Top 8 - Erkka Jouste - Sligh

Top 8 - David Fischer - RW Rift Slide

Here are the ALL the cool decks! Sadly we can’t show names on each deck so if you reallly need to know a deck creator reach out.