Seb, Antti, Åland, Thai and Anton have a chat about "Arvika 2023" in this The Drunken Stream no:5.
Music from “Everything Sideways” and “Midway Fair” ( link )
Monster of the Week is a podcast about constructed formats and deck in Old School Magic. From the X-files crew host Seb Celia from Wak-Wak are joined by Åland or Anton as they talk about everything magic related to the old bordered cards from the past.
If you want to give praise, have tips on topics or discuss anything about Monster of the Week, join the Wak-Wak Discord server:
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Seb, Antti, Åland, Thai and Anton have a chat about "Arvika 2023" in this The Drunken Stream no:5.
Music from “Everything Sideways” and “Midway Fair” ( link )
Seb and Anton have a chat about the deck "Mr T" and other land destruction things in Premodern.
Read MoreSeb and Åland have a chat with Reindeer about the upcoming changes for Noobcon and what will happen during easter. They also have a chat about how to send your trolls in the right direction. Lastly there is a brief shout out to some upcoming tournaments this coming year.
Read MoreSeb and Anton have a chat with Phil Nguyen about his newsletter “Banding” and what other good content there is out there. We also talk abit how the format is doing and how the meta is progressing.
It’s a MONSTER of an episode. Seb, Åland, Thai and Anton have a chat about the old school year in magic, upcoming tournaments and what really happened during 2022.
Read MoreSeb and Anton have a chat with Flint about the larger tournaments in premodern 2022. Anton brings his spreadsheet and we conclude how the state of premodern is nowadays. And Premodern “tingies” for everyone!
Read MoreSeb and Anton have a chat with Mike Harris from Premodcast in this crossover episode of Monster of the Week.
Read MoreSeb, Thai and Åland answer all of this weeks questions on this live episode of MOTW.
Seb, Anton and Jens have a chat about the European Championship in Premodern 2022.
Read MoreSeb, Åland and Thai answer a bunch of questions from the listeners in this live streamed episode of Monster of the Week.
Seb and Åland have a chat with Brother Stebbo about his win and them visiting Wincon 2022.
Stebbos winning deck from Wincon 2022
Ålands deck that got him all the way to 11th place in Wincon 2022
In this drunken live episode we get to hang out with Anton, Thai, Seb and Åland. They talk about meta calls for upcoming tournaments, try to find a deck for Åland and discuss all of the silly deck names there are in magic.
Seb and Åland hang out with Simon Christie and have a chat about Fantasy Zoo, Miscuts and his great run in the Summer derby.
Simons Fantasy Zoo deck from Noobcon 13
Simons Fantasy Zoo deck from the Summer derby
Ålands deck from BSK 2017
Sebs deck from Alphaspelen 2017
Seb and Anton have Conor Brown on to talk about his super spicy Turtle Splash deck. We (kinda) learn how to play it and get to understand how Conor managed to take down the Spring Fling with the deck.
Read MoreIn this episode Seb and Anton talk with Flint Espil about his great run with Angry Hermit in Lobstercon 2022. They talk about the evolution of the deck and how everything came about ending up with the 75 that took down the tournament.
Read MoreOn this episode we get to meet a splendor of guests! Seb have a chat with Åland about the noobcon weekend. After that we get to hear from the Noobcon 13 winner Joel Larsson. We also get to listen to the dutch Siaboorg festival champion Henk “HW” and his partner in crime Richard who managed to top8 at noobcon; both playing their brew “BB8”.
Read MoreSeb and Åland are joined by Nick Cramer to talk about The Paladins of the North Cup in Groningen. They talk about Brawl and how the second rendition of the tournament went about.
Read MoreAnton and Säb have a chat with Iñaki Puigdollers about Psychatog in premodern. We go down memory lane and talk about its origins from 2002 and then get into what makes the best Psychatog deck today, in premodern.
One of Iñakis later iterations of the Psychatog build talked about in the episode
Link to the Article that Iñaki wrote about psychatog on
Seb and Åland hang out with Koos Cramer to talk about his run with The Deck in the Winter Derby 2022
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