Seb and Åland have a chat with Brother Stebbo about his win and them visiting Wincon 2022.
Stebbos winning deck from Wincon 2022
Ålands deck that got him all the way to 11th place in Wincon 2022
Monster of the Week is a podcast about constructed formats and deck in Old School Magic. From the X-files crew host Seb Celia from Wak-Wak are joined by Åland or Anton as they talk about everything magic related to the old bordered cards from the past.
If you want to give praise, have tips on topics or discuss anything about Monster of the Week, join the Wak-Wak Discord server:
Invite link to Wak-Waks Discord
Seb and Åland have a chat with Brother Stebbo about his win and them visiting Wincon 2022.
Stebbos winning deck from Wincon 2022
Ålands deck that got him all the way to 11th place in Wincon 2022