Episode 16 - Mano, Counterless Countless Fireballs

Seb and Åland are joined by the long time host of All Tings Considered, Mano, to talk sbout playing a bunch of fireballs and playing the next best thing to The Deck. What do you have to put into consideration building the optimal deck sans counterspells? How do you usually go about playing league or one day tournaments these days? Where are we in the meta today and what cards would you say are the most underplayed ones in old school? these and many other TINGS we go on about in this episode of Monster of the Week.

Bryan Manolakos, Counterless The Deck

Bryan Manolakos, Counterless The Deck

Mikael Johansson, Trying To Be Mano

Mikael Johansson, Trying To Be Mano