We all have our subjective resources, budget and a way we value things, so the way I'm looking at all this is simply from my perspective. For me personally the current prices mean that I will never be able to reasonably build something like an Old School Reanimator which I'm a bit salty about of course, because its build around some of the coolest cards I have ever laid eyes upon like Bazaar of Baghdad and All Hallow's Eve, but we can't have everything can we? Perhaps I can borrow the deck live someday to get to tap that bazaar and mill nothing but lands.
Financially I think I've made all the big mistakes in this hobby, missing the great entry points for rare and valuable cardboard and of course quitting the game and selling off at one point. However, I am extremely lucky to be in this position right now, I have a steady job with decent income, pretty successful career and I have accumulated my stock portfolios for years now. Just to be clear, I'm also married with two kids and we have a house with mortage, so by no means am I rich, there are some real expenses.
Getting in to Old School in 2021
But after buying into legacy, how can I justify allocating thousands and thousands in something like Old School Magic. Simply put, these cards as rare collectors’ items and nostalgic game pieces that have real value for me. But even more than the game or the cards, I value the gathering - that is the communities that make up for what this whole collectible card game is. If there is something good that came with this pandemic, it's that it became apparent how much I miss and enjoy getting together with people to play this game. After Premodern and Old School gripped my attention few years ago, I have been keeping myself in the loop enjoying all the great streaming, blogs and other content.
We have played Swedish b&r Old School with open reprint, so I guess that's basically Ravenna Rules policy, on two of the last few summer cottages located Mätkymökki tournaments and are pretty constantly playing a monthly Premodern in our weekly tournament schedule in Tampere. There is some added appeal to true eternal formats for a player with work and family stuff to manage. The sheer amount of new sets, ludicrous card designs and metagame shifts have slowly turned even formats like Legacy into quite quickly rotating and quite exhausting, something hard to keep up with. There are some clear cut reasons I felt like I can, would very much like to and did actually decide to collect my first Swedish legal 75 that's all ABU & The Four Horsemen original printings. First off, I started adding up all the expenses that I usually have consuming services, culture, travelling or even just going to the movies or restaurants and to experience live music. With the pandemic all these actives just stopped and I noticed that there was abundance of cash on my account every month and nothing much besides the stock market to allocate it to. Now if you are lucky enough to keep your job status secure in these times, accumulating wealth is great, but I personally think it's pretty pointless if you can't spend it in something that you enjoy.