During the holidays 2020 one mister Florian “FloVo” von Bredow organized an amazing webcam tournament that we got to stream. Here you can find the VOD for that one in all its glory together with all the decks as well. Or just sorta, you need to click here to check out the decks hehe.
Ivory Cup IV Retrospective
The fourth Ivory Cup is over and left are just the memories, and the videos! Yes, two weeks ago we organized the playset edition of Ivory Cup, Stockholms first annual tournament following the likes like n00bcon, BSK and Arvikafestivalen. This year 29 brave souls showed up to play, which I believe is the same amount as last year and also a number we are very happy with as we don’t really promote it.
Old School has grown so large since the first cup and there are tournaments all over the world all the time. When we started the cup this wasn’t the case and we saw a part of the year where there were no tournaments, especially not in Sweden. Today you could play an old school tournament at least every month if you travel a bit (just as Jason Schwartz!) and it also seems every tournament try to make it cooler than the next in some way. The Ivory Cup however, will stay the same with non of that extra spice, except for our beer list.
We play at a community hall in the outskirts of Stockholm (a whoopin’ 15 min by metro from the central station) where we sell beers and have a couple of moderate prices. That’s it. Still, for some reason people from outside of Sweden travel here and we are deeply honored by that. So a big thanks to Åland, Brother Karl, Brother Stebbo, Constantine, Anya, Timo, Jason and Mitja who made it so that we had more guests from outside of Sweden than swedes outside of Stockholm (Arvika, Gbg and more, what’s up?). With that said, a special thanks to Kalle who both travelled from the other side of the country to play and painted an amazing price for us!
For the international guests and the ones who found a link on the tournaments webpage and asked me about it we also held a special invitational tournament the day before. A singleton tournament without all the bannings most people do. A fun format to play every now and again, but not really a format. If you want to read more about that, check out Svantes report from the event.
But now let’s talk about what you probably here for, the decks and the videos!
I’m actually not going to say much more than here are the top 8 decklists and under them you will find video coverage. We didn’t stream the cup this year, but we did however record a feature match every round. And as it is not much fun to watch a match with no sound Gordon, Seb and Paddan sat down to drink a lot of beer and do commentary (that’s why it has taken some time to get it up).
Without further ado, here it is!

The above is a playlist with all 5 rounds+top8.
The VOD from Swedish Nationals in Premodern
For those Premodern lovers out there you can now find the complete stream from the Swedish Nationals on YouTube! And here.
Video: This is Premodern
Have you ever heard of the format Premodern? If not, this is the perfect video for you. Gordon sat down with the creator Martin Berlin to talk about the why, what and when about Premodern.
The format is an Old School format that takes up where most 93/94 formats end and stretches all the way until Wizards decided to change the card frame. That is, it is almost the opposite of what is now known as Modern. But I will leave it at that, watch the video for the complete story and visit Premodernmagic.com for a more in-depth look at the format itself. Enjoy!
Just one more thing, don’t miss that we will stream the Swedish Championship in Premodern on Saturday June 8 at 11am CET at www.twitch.tv/wakwakmtg 46 Players will join the battle, but only one will be crowned Swedish Champion 2019!
Some of you may have picked up that this video has been in the making as it have taken about half a year to finish it. It’s my (Gordon) first more “serious” video in almost ten years and it has therefore taken a lot of time, but now I will focus on more 93/94 content!
Grudge Match - Atog vs. Counterburn
Gordon and Svante Landgraf sat down to see which deck is actually favored against the other. That, and to drink beer! Hope you enjoy!
PS. The sound may not be the best and there are some other technical problems, but we are trying to work it out to have a nice setup for these in the future. It isn’t bad now, but we want to do it even better!