Video: This is Premodern

Have you ever heard of the format Premodern? If not, this is the perfect video for you. Gordon sat down with the creator Martin Berlin to talk about the why, what and when about Premodern.

The format is an Old School format that takes up where most 93/94 formats end and stretches all the way until Wizards decided to change the card frame. That is, it is almost the opposite of what is now known as Modern. But I will leave it at that, watch the video for the complete story and visit for a more in-depth look at the format itself. Enjoy!

Just one more thing, don’t miss that we will stream the Swedish Championship in Premodern on Saturday June 8 at 11am CET at 46 Players will join the battle, but only one will be crowned Swedish Champion 2019!

Some of you may have picked up that this video has been in the making as it have taken about half a year to finish it. It’s my (Gordon) first more “serious” video in almost ten years and it has therefore taken a lot of time, but now I will focus on more 93/94 content!

Grudge Match - Atog vs. Counterburn

Gordon and Svante Landgraf sat down to see which deck is actually favored against the other. That, and to drink beer! Hope you enjoy!

PS. The sound may not be the best and there are some other technical problems, but we are trying to work it out to have a nice setup for these in the future. It isn’t bad now, but we want to do it even better!

The Complete n00bcon Stream!

Here are the complete 16 hours and 30 minute long stream from n00bcon 11, enjoy!

The stream is divided into 12 parts, one for Gordon and Magnus introduction, then all rounds and everything that happened between the matches. That means lots and lots of guests, easter eggs and beer. Also one very big announcement.

Sorry that the sound quality isn’t amazing, hope you enjoy anyway!

Also, if you’ve missed our over 3 hour long Flippin’ Tings podcast about n00bcon, you can find it here!

Are you ready?

N00bcon is just around the corner!  Have you booked your tickets to come and play? In that case, see you there!

If you instead have been relegated to the sidelines don’t be sad because as last year we here at Wak-Wak will stream the whole shindig and would love for you to tune in!


This year’s commentators are our own Gordon Andersson and the founder himself, Magnus “Mg” De Laval. We’ll try to start the stream at 1.30pm CET as the tournament is supposed to start 30 minutes later. And hopefully this year someone won’t cut the camera cable hehe.


Date: April 19

Time: 1.30pm CET (4.30am PDT & 7.30pm EDT)



Hope to see you there or on stream! 

Video: Playing Field of Dreams

A couple of weeks ago I talked about the deck Field of Dreams. It’s one of my favorites and I always come back to playing it every now and then. Therefore, I tried making some videos for those of you who wants to see how it plays. So here we have a couple of videos (completely unedited as I didn’t have the time) where I play against local player Johan Råberg and his Eureka and UWB Aggro decks.

If I may say so myself the best game is absolutely game 4 against Eureka which took so long we needed to split it in two.

Here are the list I played: