Deck by Kenneth Mossberg
This is the Show and Tell deck of it's time and the game plan is simple; get to four mana as fast as possible, play Eureka and put a bunch of big creatures into play. For that extra surprise factor you can also play a couple of Concordant Crossroads so you can drop one with Eureka and attack right away.
This can even be a part of your main plan as Concordant Crossroads let you play creatures like Nicol Bolas who would otherwise be hard to keep around for one turn because of his upkeep cost.
The deck usually also have a plan B and that is to use mana dorks to actually hard cast the creatures. Another plan B that can be used is to play cards like Bazaar of Bagdad and Animate Dead as another way to put fatties into play to early. Last but not least you can also use Mana Flare as another way to cast your fatties.