Gordon's Bearded Dragon - It is of course named Shivan
This is episode 15 of Flippin’ Orbs and we have two amazing topics in this episode. First we talk about a bunch of underplayed cards and theorize if you actually can build something around them. After that we also talk about how to play old school over Skype and when the subject comes up we of course needed Dave Firth Bard to join us. Hope you enjoy!
What we talk about and when:
- 02:50 Introduction of the guest
- 05:20 Question of the episode
- 18:00 Introdocution to underplayed cards
- 18:30 Skull of Orm
- 33:20 Rukh Egg
- 40:10 Diamond Valley
- 47:10 Nether Void
- 50:00 Juxtapose
- 58:40 Who is Dave Firth Bard?
- 01:33:00 Old School via Skype
- 01:58:00 Episode wrap up