We get together with Christian “Reindeer” Reinhard from the Legion Urborg to talk about Troll Disco in Old School. Both “Reindeer” and Åland have made strong finishers with the deck.
Read MoreEpisode 05 - Anton Glans, Never Trust an Elf!
Seb and Åland Talk with Anton Glans about his Premodern elves deck. We dive deep into the format and talk about different tournaments that Anton has been in. We go into all kinds of different decks and how they have developed during the time since Premodern was created. Seb has a small chat with Berlin about elves and Anton gives us all his thoughts about the deck.
Read MoreEpisode 04 - David Chambers, Living next door to ALICE
Seb and Åland have a chat with David Chambers about playing block constructed ALICE (Ice Age and Alliances). They talk about the format in general and Chambers red deck that recently took down a tournament. What are the MVPs in the format? How do you go about playing it?
Read MoreEpisode 03 - Jordan Boyle, Splash!
Seb and Åland have a chat with Jordan Boyle about merfolks and the power of playing a mono blue deck in Old School Magic. They talk about budget versions of the deck, how it differs in Swedish 93/94 from ATL and what to play if you play with Scryings.
Read MoreEpisode 02 - Paul DeSilva and "The Jurassic Paul"
Seb andy Åland are this time joined by Paul DeSilva to talk about his 5c good stuff deck. They delve into sideboard options and similar builds as they discuss all things related to the mightiest creatures in Old School Magic.
Read MoreEpisode 01 - Slanfan and The Underworld Valley of Greedy Dreams
In the very first episode Seb talk with Åland and Slanfan about their Diamond Valley deck they played at LobsterCom 2020.
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